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Visit + 3D experience

Entrance ticket to the Museum with guided tour

+  € 4,00 per person

The cultural offer of the Jewish Museum of Lecce is enriched by the use of digital technologies of virtual reality and immersive and multimedia experiences for the representation of everyday life in medieval Lecce. The research and digital products are created by Technè sas:

  • Docu-film Fragments of historyproduced by Technè s.a.s. in cooperation with specialists in different fields, which intends to present the first results of a reconstructive study of the ancient Synagogue and the Jewish quarter of Lecce. The goal is to continue the work of recovering a history partially unknown and reflect on the urban and social transformations of Lecce between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age;
  • Augmented reality experience: through a virtual reality headset (oculus) you will virtually walk through the streets of the medieval Giudecca, you will enter the synagogue of Lecce and visit other places related to the Jewish presence in Puglia;
  • Interactive screen to virtually visit the Jewish Museum of Lecce, Palazzo Adorno and its underground, Belloluogo Tower, the Museum of Memory and Hospitality of Santa Maria al Bagno, Manduria Jewish Quarter, the former synagogue of Trani and Sant'Anna Museum;
  • Interactive screen to virtually visit some of the Italian synagogues (Trieste, Venezia Scola Levantina, Venezia Scola Spagnola, Siena, Roma, Firenze, Casale Monferrato, Museo di Casale Monferrato);
  • Holographic theater and virtual reality for museum communication, presented within the program "Mediterranean Heritage - Lecce and Salento as melting pot of Mediterranean cultures" with the contribution of the Regional Council of Puglia.

Intervento cofinanziato dalla Regione Puglia con risorse del Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 – PO FESR-FSE PUGLIA 2014-2020 CUP B37D20000450007 – Asse VIII Promuovere la sostenibilità e la qualità dell’occupazione e il sostegno della mobilità professionale. Azione 8.6 Interventi per la conciliazione Sub-Azione: S.6b Misure di promozione del «welfare aziendale e di nuove forme di organizzazione del lavoro Family Friendly.

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